Thursday, April 23, 2009

Wow, the media is NOT a reliable source by any means.

I have been following this story for quite some time now (before this man was actually found to be a fraud).  Red flags were going up as soon as I saw all the media hype over this fairy-tale ranch.  The media ( was reporting that he was going to "train 100 mustangs in 100 days,"  and stated 'facts' such as "In two weeks, a wild horse can be fully trained" and "he (Jason) cuts their manes when they arrive to connect with them."  HUH WHAT?  Now, I don't know what magical powers Jason Meduna was assumed to have, but even the best trainers in the nation will say that it takes years to finish a domesticated horse.  And who in their right mind thinks that cutting a mane will create a bond with a horse?  Not to mention that his website (sorry, they have now taken down the site... otherwise I would post the link) seemed more dedicated to his superhero image (and buff, shirtless BOD) than the actual horses.  

More recently he reported a horse STOLEN (, saying he was afraid that the horse had been taken by individuals who intended to "do the horse harm."  Yep, since people steal horses all of the time to hurt them for the fun of it.  (Again, a WHAT?!?! moment.)  

Once someone finally spoke up about the dying, skinny horses, he assured everyone that he was feeding them.  When individuals persisted, he then blamed their appearance on his neighbors, stating that his neighbors were POISONING them purposely with cattle feed (no wonder the neighbors now don't like the guy).

OKAY, enough of the scary, self-involved man.

A prime example of how the media only covers certain stories.  NATIONWIDE the media was covering the polo ponies "tragedy," in which 21 horse died a very sudden death. ( )   Yet, over 60 horses and counting STARVE to death, and more are on the speedy road to the same death, and only local stations and/or horse type media are covering the incident.  Scary stuff!  Truly, the media only shows what it wants to show, and that's for sure!

But on an up note- WOW, the horse community amazed me on this one.  People stepping in to take care of the horses, people cleaning up his mess, just simply amazing!  Donations coming in left and right, Jerry Finch (prez. of Habitat for Horses) dropped everything and went there immediately to organize the rescue.  Simply amazing.

Sorry... I think I was posting this more as a vent of how shocking the whole situation is.  I truly have not been able to stop thinking about it for a couple weeks.  Purely unbelievable.

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