Tuesday, November 24, 2009


You never know what life is going to throw at you. Even more so, you may ask "why" until many years down the road.

Pain is an inevitable part of life. Although the cause of pain may vary in each individual's life, and severity of the circumstances (based on society's opinion) may vary as well, no one escapes pain or hurt in their lifetime. Do not judge. No matter what the pain or situation, each individual still suffers from the "worst pain they have ever felt in their lifespan," regardless of how that situation measures up to the situations of others. In short, have mercy.

As you are sitting back picking up the pieces, remember that by simply beginning to pick up the pieces, you are far ahead of many others who cannot look past their sorrow.

Understand your wants and desires, and the true root of those.

Many people just want someone to love them. What they do not realize is that you have yourself to rely on and no one else. No matter how kind, loving and reliable a lover/friend/family member may be, you will always be disapointed if you look to someone else for your happiness. It has to be found within you.

Everyone has an opinion, and everyone thinks they are right. What they do not realize is that the majority of the time, their opinion has been formulated on a basis of false assumptions. No one knows the whole story, no matter how much they believe they do.

A know-it-all can make friends, but they will never "grow" their friends. A true friend will know when to sit and listen without dropping in their own two cents. A true friend will allow their friends to discover the freedom to reflect and grow based on their own ideas, not the ideas of others.

When you see others making "wrong decisions," keep in mind that those decisions may become a huge learning experience that will later be reflected as right decisions, even if they were first labeled "a bad situation."

Never assume that you know what is best for someone. Nobody knows what is best for them, not even the individuals themselves.

Understand that no matter how sorry you are, you are not entitled forgiveness. Live your life accordingly.

It is ironic that faith is one of the most elementary aspects in an individual's life, yet it remains the strongest.


  1. Faith is what pulls you through. In fact, Jesus is the ultimate friend. When you think you have only yourself to trust, yet also realize that even you don't know what you want, Jesus is still the constant companion.
    The pain that I have experienced, both caused and felt, had taken its toll on me until I realized that I can't rely on myself or others. I'm a broken human being who tends toward evil, and so is everyone else. So that left me with the answer...the Truth...Jesus.
    THAT was an amazing day...

  2. Yes, that is why I left the very last comment for last. :) BUT, lately it seems like people are playing the sorrow game, and even praying, but doing nothing themselves to try to improve the situation. You have to be willing to try.

    It just seems like lately a few of my friends have been feeling sorry for themselves 24/7. Don't get me wrong, I try to be there to listen, but I really wish they would understand that it is something THEY have to step up and take care of. No one else can fix it for them... they have to take the initiative themselves. I would love to say that to a couple people, one in particular, but I know that I cannot. THEY need to figure it out for themselves.
