1. I think part of a best friend's job should be to immediately clear your computer history if you die.
2. Nothing sucks more than that moment during an argument when you realize you're wrong.
3. I totally take back all those times I didn't want to nap when I was younger.
4. There is a great need for a sarcasm font.
5. How are you supposed to fold a fitted sheet?
6. Map Quest really needs to start their directions on #5. I'm pretty sure I know how to get out of my neighborhood.
7. I can't remember the last time I wasn't at least kind of tired.
8. Bad decisions make good stories.
9. You never know when it will strike, but there comes a moment at work when you know that you just aren't going to do anything productive for the rest of the day.
10. Can we all just agree to ignore whatever comes after Blue Ray? I don't want to have to restart my collection... again.
11. I'm always slightly terrified when I exit out of Word and it asks me if I want to save any changes - to my ten page paper that I swear I did not make any changes to.
12. "Do not machine wash or tumble dry" means I will never wash this thing I have - ever.
13. I hate when I just miss a call by the last ring (Hello? Hello?), but when I immediately call back, it rings nine times and goes to voicemail. What'd you do after I didn't answer? Drop the phone and run away?
14. I hate leaving the house confident and looking good and then not seeing anyone of importance the entire day. What a waste.
15. My 4-year old son asked me in the car the other day "Dad what would happen if you ran over a ninja?" How do I respond to that? (my personal favorite.... ;) )
16. I disagree with Kay Jewelers. I would bet, on any given Friday or Saturday night, more kisses begin with Bud Light than with a Kay jewelry product.
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Happy Turkey Day.... Early.
Since I am sure that getting to a computer and updating my blog will be the last thing on my mind tomorrow, today I will say "Happy Thanksgiving!"
What are you grateful for?
Despite the fact that I am coming off of a stomach bug (and just drenched my entire front side with coffee 5 minutes ago), I know I have a lot to be grateful for. In fact, I am grateful for this entire past year. What an amazing year! A few highlights:
-My pooches... and their puppies. That was a fun experience.
-My horse. Shaylee is the greatest! Probably the most "fun" horse I have ever had.
-My family. Especially my father; I can't think of a single time he wasn't right there to help me out when I needed it.
-Friends, old and new. I met quite a few new people this year, and I thoroughly enjoy spending time with them. What great people! Also, spending more time with an old friend (Joyce R) has really been wonderful- such a kind, wonderful person.
-My new job. I am really liking the company I work for, and I love that I can leave work at work, PERIOD.
-Reduced stress! Since February, Amity has been my only roommate/renter, and she is the good roomie! I never had to worry with her trust wise. It was nice to cut out the the other roomies who broke my stuff, didn't pay, and stressed me out by bringing home new animals without asking.
-My health. I have been so healthy this year compared to last year. Thank you Lord! That has been a huge relief, and $$$ saver.
-DEBT FREE! Okay, to be fair I am not entirely debt free as I still have my mortgage... but that is it! I only have my mortgage! This year I paid off my appliance loan, my 4 wheeler, two credit cards, and sold my car. I finally did it!!
Yet, I am most thankful for Rich. The more I get to know him, the more I respect and cherish him. He has played a huge role in my life, and taught me more about myself than I ever thought was possible. So to Rich... thank you! Thank you for being there for me, supporting me, and putting up with all of my quirks.
Happy Thanksgiving everyone! Hope you have a wonderful day (and 4 day weekend if you have one). For those of you traveling, travel safe.
What are you grateful for?
Despite the fact that I am coming off of a stomach bug (and just drenched my entire front side with coffee 5 minutes ago), I know I have a lot to be grateful for. In fact, I am grateful for this entire past year. What an amazing year! A few highlights:
-My pooches... and their puppies. That was a fun experience.
-My horse. Shaylee is the greatest! Probably the most "fun" horse I have ever had.
-My family. Especially my father; I can't think of a single time he wasn't right there to help me out when I needed it.
-Friends, old and new. I met quite a few new people this year, and I thoroughly enjoy spending time with them. What great people! Also, spending more time with an old friend (Joyce R) has really been wonderful- such a kind, wonderful person.
-My new job. I am really liking the company I work for, and I love that I can leave work at work, PERIOD.
-Reduced stress! Since February, Amity has been my only roommate/renter, and she is the good roomie! I never had to worry with her trust wise. It was nice to cut out the the other roomies who broke my stuff, didn't pay, and stressed me out by bringing home new animals without asking.
-My health. I have been so healthy this year compared to last year. Thank you Lord! That has been a huge relief, and $$$ saver.
-DEBT FREE! Okay, to be fair I am not entirely debt free as I still have my mortgage... but that is it! I only have my mortgage! This year I paid off my appliance loan, my 4 wheeler, two credit cards, and sold my car. I finally did it!!
Yet, I am most thankful for Rich. The more I get to know him, the more I respect and cherish him. He has played a huge role in my life, and taught me more about myself than I ever thought was possible. So to Rich... thank you! Thank you for being there for me, supporting me, and putting up with all of my quirks.
Happy Thanksgiving everyone! Hope you have a wonderful day (and 4 day weekend if you have one). For those of you traveling, travel safe.
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
You never know what life is going to throw at you. Even more so, you may ask "why" until many years down the road.
Pain is an inevitable part of life. Although the cause of pain may vary in each individual's life, and severity of the circumstances (based on society's opinion) may vary as well, no one escapes pain or hurt in their lifetime. Do not judge. No matter what the pain or situation, each individual still suffers from the "worst pain they have ever felt in their lifespan," regardless of how that situation measures up to the situations of others. In short, have mercy.
As you are sitting back picking up the pieces, remember that by simply beginning to pick up the pieces, you are far ahead of many others who cannot look past their sorrow.
Understand your wants and desires, and the true root of those.
Many people just want someone to love them. What they do not realize is that you have yourself to rely on and no one else. No matter how kind, loving and reliable a lover/friend/family member may be, you will always be disapointed if you look to someone else for your happiness. It has to be found within you.
Everyone has an opinion, and everyone thinks they are right. What they do not realize is that the majority of the time, their opinion has been formulated on a basis of false assumptions. No one knows the whole story, no matter how much they believe they do.
A know-it-all can make friends, but they will never "grow" their friends. A true friend will know when to sit and listen without dropping in their own two cents. A true friend will allow their friends to discover the freedom to reflect and grow based on their own ideas, not the ideas of others.
When you see others making "wrong decisions," keep in mind that those decisions may become a huge learning experience that will later be reflected as right decisions, even if they were first labeled "a bad situation."
Never assume that you know what is best for someone. Nobody knows what is best for them, not even the individuals themselves.
Understand that no matter how sorry you are, you are not entitled forgiveness. Live your life accordingly.
It is ironic that faith is one of the most elementary aspects in an individual's life, yet it remains the strongest.
Pain is an inevitable part of life. Although the cause of pain may vary in each individual's life, and severity of the circumstances (based on society's opinion) may vary as well, no one escapes pain or hurt in their lifetime. Do not judge. No matter what the pain or situation, each individual still suffers from the "worst pain they have ever felt in their lifespan," regardless of how that situation measures up to the situations of others. In short, have mercy.
As you are sitting back picking up the pieces, remember that by simply beginning to pick up the pieces, you are far ahead of many others who cannot look past their sorrow.
Understand your wants and desires, and the true root of those.
Many people just want someone to love them. What they do not realize is that you have yourself to rely on and no one else. No matter how kind, loving and reliable a lover/friend/family member may be, you will always be disapointed if you look to someone else for your happiness. It has to be found within you.
Everyone has an opinion, and everyone thinks they are right. What they do not realize is that the majority of the time, their opinion has been formulated on a basis of false assumptions. No one knows the whole story, no matter how much they believe they do.
A know-it-all can make friends, but they will never "grow" their friends. A true friend will know when to sit and listen without dropping in their own two cents. A true friend will allow their friends to discover the freedom to reflect and grow based on their own ideas, not the ideas of others.
When you see others making "wrong decisions," keep in mind that those decisions may become a huge learning experience that will later be reflected as right decisions, even if they were first labeled "a bad situation."
Never assume that you know what is best for someone. Nobody knows what is best for them, not even the individuals themselves.
Understand that no matter how sorry you are, you are not entitled forgiveness. Live your life accordingly.
It is ironic that faith is one of the most elementary aspects in an individual's life, yet it remains the strongest.
Monday, November 2, 2009
Halloween 2009
Just a fly by posting... here are a couple pics of Halloween this weekend... more to follow once they are loaded. The first night, Rich was PacMan and I was a pirate. The second night, Rich was an injured quad rider and I was his nurse. :) We had a great weekend!
Friday, October 23, 2009
Bathroom, Garage, Aunt, Vacation and ER visits
Many updates... I suppose I will just work through the list. :)
1- Bathroom is pretty much done. YAY! The only thing left to purchase are closet doors. Everything else has been completed. What a relief... and perfect timing! We finished it right before we left town, thankfully, as we would not have completed it upon our return (with Rich's one arm).
2- Rich purchased a giant garage! It is more like a "tent garage," but it is a garage none the less. It is 27' long x 20' wide x 14' tall. Now we can house the toys throughout the winter without having to worry about the weather. On a more comical note, the beams are made VERY well; they are very stout, AKA very heavy. Ever seen a gal my side and a one-armed man trying to put up a garage of that size and weight? Oh man, I would not be surprised if the neighbors win $10,000 on America's Funniest Home Videos sometime within the next few months. :)
3- I am going to be an aunt. (I feel okay divulging this now as Daja already made mention of it on her blog.) Her anticipated due date is June 7th... pretty close to future Grandma Joyce's birthday (the 5th). So, in not too long there will be a mini Jimmy running around... uh oh... hope Daja knows what she is in for. ;)
4- Okay, now an explanation to the one-armed references. 6 of us piled in Rich's Father's motor home this last weekend and made the 8 hour trek to the Oregon Dunes. We had 6 (yes 6) bikes on a one-car trailer. HEHE. Anyhow, we also had friends who met us down there; Michelle and Josh from Olympia, and Gary and Bret came from Albany. We had a great couple days filled with riding and friends. Unfortunately, Rich was having far too much fun at one point and came off (pretty hard) while jumping. Now, call me crazy, but when you are jumping the entire top of a 100 foot+ dune, I would imagine that one, small misstep can be pretty ugly. Well, an ER visit later Rich was threatening to do one handed cartwheels in Rite Aid... sigh. At least he can always have a good time no matter the circumstances. :)
Anyhow, here are a few pics of the trip.
This is the poor, poor trailer...
This is the fabulous motor home!
This is the jump that knocked Rich around.
The ER, LOL!
The Rite Aid where he was convinced he could do a one-handed cartwheel.
And ALMOST the entire group (missing Gary, Bret, and whomever is taking the picture) the day PRIOR to the crash- sunset.
***Disclaimer! I quick thank you to Rich who, over the past 6 days, has been the best sport throughout the relentless teasing. :)Monday, October 12, 2009
So, the last couple days have been spent on the house. Actually, I should say that RICH'S time has been spent on the house; I am pretty much useless when it comes to home construction of any kind if it requires more than a paint brush or soap.
Anywho, the bathroom sure is shaping up. I have been waiting for a new shower since I purchased the home a year and a half ago, and now my wish is being granted!
Above is a picture of midway there shower wise. Since this picture the walls have been put in and the seems have been caulked.
Now on to finish the rest of the bathroom. It sure will be worlds better once all is done.
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Quads, Boat, Horses and Puppies!
Ahh... the complete absence of students is somewhat relaxing. :)
I am still sitting here at work and yes I know that I am here far beyond my normal cut off time of 4 PM, yet I was scheduled to work until 7 PM on this particular evening. What do I do with my lack of work? Well update my blog of course. ;)
Summer has been an absolute BLAST! I recently caught myself on the verge of sadness when I saw that September was only a short month away; then I realized that meant that the beginning of quad season was only a short month away. Happy again!
Anywho, back on point, Rich and I have been quite busy this summer. We have been on the boat nearly every weekend, in addition to a select few weeknights. We took a trip to the Oregon Coast last month, and we are planning on taking another trip with in the next couple weeks. I have been keeping busy with Wrangler Girls in preparation for the Kennewick Pro Rodeo which takes place during the last full week of August. And as if we were not busy enough, we have puppies! Yes, six precious aussie pups! They are currently a week and a half old and as cute as can be.
Outside of events and hobbies, life is going well. Rich has been slaving in the yard, and I myself barely recognize the yard! He is doing such an amazing job! Work is going great as well. I am really liking how low the stress level is at my new job. So wonderful! It sure makes me wonder why I didn't look for a low stress job to begin with.
Well, short and sweet, but that's my life in a nutshell. :)
I am still sitting here at work and yes I know that I am here far beyond my normal cut off time of 4 PM, yet I was scheduled to work until 7 PM on this particular evening. What do I do with my lack of work? Well update my blog of course. ;)
Summer has been an absolute BLAST! I recently caught myself on the verge of sadness when I saw that September was only a short month away; then I realized that meant that the beginning of quad season was only a short month away. Happy again!
Anywho, back on point, Rich and I have been quite busy this summer. We have been on the boat nearly every weekend, in addition to a select few weeknights. We took a trip to the Oregon Coast last month, and we are planning on taking another trip with in the next couple weeks. I have been keeping busy with Wrangler Girls in preparation for the Kennewick Pro Rodeo which takes place during the last full week of August. And as if we were not busy enough, we have puppies! Yes, six precious aussie pups! They are currently a week and a half old and as cute as can be.
Outside of events and hobbies, life is going well. Rich has been slaving in the yard, and I myself barely recognize the yard! He is doing such an amazing job! Work is going great as well. I am really liking how low the stress level is at my new job. So wonderful! It sure makes me wonder why I didn't look for a low stress job to begin with.
Well, short and sweet, but that's my life in a nutshell. :)
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Woo Hoo!
*Singing* "School's out for the summer!!!"
My last day of class (aka: my math final) was a week ago- exactly. YAY! I couldn't be happier. Yes I went back to school voluntarily, but I sure will appreciate the break. I think I grossly underestimated just how stressful and time consuming it would be to go back to school after years off, even though I am well aware of the value of every minute invested.
Yet now I am sitting here counting how many days a week I need to work out, how many nights a week I will have wrangler girls practice, and all of the fun times I will be able to have over the summer (quads, boat, actually being able to see Rich in the evenings, ect.) while not having to worry ONE BIT about a looming 5 page paper or math test.
Ah... life is good. :) Finally getting back to the things I enjoy... with a huge smile on my face.
My last day of class (aka: my math final) was a week ago- exactly. YAY! I couldn't be happier. Yes I went back to school voluntarily, but I sure will appreciate the break. I think I grossly underestimated just how stressful and time consuming it would be to go back to school after years off, even though I am well aware of the value of every minute invested.
Yet now I am sitting here counting how many days a week I need to work out, how many nights a week I will have wrangler girls practice, and all of the fun times I will be able to have over the summer (quads, boat, actually being able to see Rich in the evenings, ect.) while not having to worry ONE BIT about a looming 5 page paper or math test.
Ah... life is good. :) Finally getting back to the things I enjoy... with a huge smile on my face.
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Job Situation
For those of you who have not yet heard, I recently accepted a new job. I will be working for mom's company; I will be facilitating their classrooms. 05/08/2009 will be my last day at my current job.
This is an exciting, yet nerve-racking move.
On one hand, I am excited to reduce my work week to three days a week. Not only will I have more time to do my homework and keep up on my laundry/housework, I will also have more time to do the fun things in life; like cooking and playing with my horses.
On the other hand, having a part-time income may prove to be difficult.
None the less, I look forward to the change. The next few months will be pretty tell-tale. I am assuming the best. :)
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Wow, the media is NOT a reliable source by any means.
More recently he reported a horse STOLEN (http://www.netposse.com/stolenmissing/RayuNEstolenMar09.htm), saying he was afraid that the horse had been taken by individuals who intended to "do the horse harm." Yep, since people steal horses all of the time to hurt them for the fun of it. (Again, a WHAT?!?! moment.)
Once someone finally spoke up about the dying, skinny horses, he assured everyone that he was feeding them. When individuals persisted, he then blamed their appearance on his neighbors, stating that his neighbors were POISONING them purposely with cattle feed (no wonder the neighbors now don't like the guy).
OKAY, enough of the scary, self-involved man.
A prime example of how the media only covers certain stories. NATIONWIDE the media was covering the polo ponies "tragedy," in which 21 horse died a very sudden death. ( http://abcnews.go.com/Health/story?id=7380774&page=1 ) Yet, over 60 horses and counting STARVE to death, and more are on the speedy road to the same death, and only local stations and/or horse type media are covering the incident. Scary stuff! Truly, the media only shows what it wants to show, and that's for sure!
But on an up note- WOW, the horse community amazed me on this one. People stepping in to take care of the horses, people cleaning up his mess, just simply amazing! Donations coming in left and right, Jerry Finch (prez. of Habitat for Horses) dropped everything and went there immediately to organize the rescue. Simply amazing.
Sorry... I think I was posting this more as a vent of how shocking the whole situation is. I truly have not been able to stop thinking about it for a couple weeks. Purely unbelievable.
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Sunny Weekend in the Tri-Cities...
Judging solely off of Friday, I anticipated the worst for this past weekend. (The horse getting out, running around like an idiot, breaking the lead rope once she was finally caught and tied up, AND THEN SITTING ON MY CAR... you know, the little things. Haha.) Luckily, I anticipated incorrectly.
Saturday morning Rich and I went up to mum and pop's house to take care of a few horsie things that I didn't end up finishing the night before. It was a gorgeous day, and thankfully Jeep was on his best behavior! Made for a nice start to my Saturday.
Then off to Rich's house to grab the boat! It was a beautiful day, and I think that sitting on the boat in the warm sunshine is the BEST way to do homework! Also, it was nice to spend a little time on the boat with just the two of us; even if most of my time was spent staring at books. Which by the way- Bless Rich, :) he is so understanding when I have loads of homework to complete. How did I get so lucky? :) Anywho, all in all a nice afternoon on the boat.
That evening we went back to Rich's house for a bonfire. A couple friends came over, and we burnt a bit of the junk from my backyard. Again, relaxing and great weather.
Then Sunday morning Rich, Jobin and I headed out to the dunes for a little jaunt on the 4 wheelers. Yet again, perfect weather. We met one of Rich's friends out there, and then I met up with some of the old crew (Derek, Brandy, Thomas, Adam, Lance, Derek's dad, Tammy, ect.). Rich's quad ran great (YAY!), and I had a great time. Jobin had a bit of a wreck, but the bike was fine, and he ended up with only a couple scrapes and bruises. I think I was beaming the whole way back to Rich's house... I just LOVE riding. Not sure why, but it is one of the best feelings to go out there and attempt tear it up on a quad (still can't catch Rich). :)
Once we arrived back at Rich's, we dropped off the quads and hooked up the boat. River here we come! We met a few people out on the Columbia, and had a great afternoon of sunshine and friends.
All and all, an awesome weekend. I love the Tri-Cities... we have a playground here in our backyard... with 80 degree weather in APRIL. Love it. :) Not to mention, we are so lucky; not many people are able to do the things that we get to do on a regular basis.
Looking forward to this weekend! Not sure that it will quite measure up to this past weekend (as my house is in dire need of cleaning and yard work) but I hope that we are able to go out on the boat at least one of the days... providing the weather is nice.
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Okay, so a vent...
Sorry all in advance, but this is a grumpy post.
I am constantly amazed at people who have the ability of continually talking down to others (and/or talk to them like they are dirt and/or have an IQ of 12) without a second thought. I often wondered, "is it because the targeted individual does not talk back? Maybe if the person who was being talked down spoke up, the poor behavior would stop." News flash- this isn't true. Every time I see someone speak up when they are quite obviously being insulted, they are responded to with an excuse of "well you just don't get me/it/this" so that the poorly behaved individual can continue on with their rude ways without having to admit that *MAYBE, just MAYBE* they are in the wrong occasionally.
So truly, I am beginning to realize that there is absolutely no cure (or help) for individuals who cannot even look at their reflection in the mirror; they have to come to the realization themselves, and fix things themselves. There is absolutely nothing that anyone else can do to change/enlighten that person.
Either deal, or remove yourself from the situation... it isn't going to change.
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Hey Fam. Mum will probably be all silly about me asking, but please send a few healing prayers her way; she can use them. Thanks a bunch.
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Last weekend's adventures...
Yeppers. Rich raced his quad in the monster truck show Sat night. Mind you, this was not the initial plan; we were expecting a nice relaxing (er, as relaxing as a monster truck show can get I guess) evening of sitting in the stands, watching the commotion down below. Unfortunately, most of the people in the Tri-Cities were seeking that same thing... the show was sold out.
So Mr. Rich came up with a brilliant scheme (and I only say scheme because I swear that was his plan all along, as he already had his quad loaded up in the back of the faithful Dodge sitting in the garage at home), he would just race in the event and get us in for free. The only problem with that was that there was a total of 6 of us... oh well, it could happen right?
He and Jobin went around back and talked to the people running the sign-ups. Turns out Rich knew them, which I think really worked to our advantage... although Rich did have to endure teasing about him actually having hair, and then he also discovered that there may be a possibility that they only like him because of Wilbur :). None the less, they agreed to give us 4 extra passes to get in IF TWO people raced. So Jobin took one for the team and piped in that he would race my quad so we could get the passes. Only problems with that?
1- From the point that this was agreed, they had 45 minutes total to: leave the TRAC, go switch the tires on my quad to dirt tires (from sand tires), grab all the riding gear, load up, and get back to the TRAC, unload, and have them inside and numbered and ready to ride. Yeah... bit of a rush.
2- Rich had just finished putting his quad together... days before. He hadn't even ridden it yet. Seriously, it had been nothing more than a bare frame with every part string out all over his garage. He didn't even know if it would run right. LOL.
3- Rich hadn't ridden in months, or raced in years. Hehe... FUN.
4- Jobin hadn't ridden in months, ridden much before that, or raced a quad in his life. Worst? He doesn't jump usually... if ever. Well, he had just signed himself up for an arena race, jumps and all. Again, hehe FUN!
Actually, it all turned out well. Rich ended up taking second and bringing home some cash. We all got in for free, and really enjoyed the show... and it's so much more fun to watch when you know people who are out there racing. Jobin did well. He not only became faster and faster with each lap, we started seeing air under the tires! He has potential for sure!
Needless to say, it was a fun night... although I will admit I was nervous enough to throw back a few. :) I have no idea why I get that nervous WATCHING people, but I do; glad I am only in the stands! LOL. But there was a little comic relief here and there... like Jobin riding my quad up the wall... fun stuff. :)
So I now know that I wouldn't be all that sad if Rich wanted to race again... actually, I would really enjoy it. That was fun to watch! Even if I was a bundle of nerves. :)
So Mr. Rich came up with a brilliant scheme (and I only say scheme because I swear that was his plan all along, as he already had his quad loaded up in the back of the faithful Dodge sitting in the garage at home), he would just race in the event and get us in for free. The only problem with that was that there was a total of 6 of us... oh well, it could happen right?
He and Jobin went around back and talked to the people running the sign-ups. Turns out Rich knew them, which I think really worked to our advantage... although Rich did have to endure teasing about him actually having hair, and then he also discovered that there may be a possibility that they only like him because of Wilbur :). None the less, they agreed to give us 4 extra passes to get in IF TWO people raced. So Jobin took one for the team and piped in that he would race my quad so we could get the passes. Only problems with that?
1- From the point that this was agreed, they had 45 minutes total to: leave the TRAC, go switch the tires on my quad to dirt tires (from sand tires), grab all the riding gear, load up, and get back to the TRAC, unload, and have them inside and numbered and ready to ride. Yeah... bit of a rush.
2- Rich had just finished putting his quad together... days before. He hadn't even ridden it yet. Seriously, it had been nothing more than a bare frame with every part string out all over his garage. He didn't even know if it would run right. LOL.
3- Rich hadn't ridden in months, or raced in years. Hehe... FUN.
4- Jobin hadn't ridden in months, ridden much before that, or raced a quad in his life. Worst? He doesn't jump usually... if ever. Well, he had just signed himself up for an arena race, jumps and all. Again, hehe FUN!
Actually, it all turned out well. Rich ended up taking second and bringing home some cash. We all got in for free, and really enjoyed the show... and it's so much more fun to watch when you know people who are out there racing. Jobin did well. He not only became faster and faster with each lap, we started seeing air under the tires! He has potential for sure!
Needless to say, it was a fun night... although I will admit I was nervous enough to throw back a few. :) I have no idea why I get that nervous WATCHING people, but I do; glad I am only in the stands! LOL. But there was a little comic relief here and there... like Jobin riding my quad up the wall... fun stuff. :)
So I now know that I wouldn't be all that sad if Rich wanted to race again... actually, I would really enjoy it. That was fun to watch! Even if I was a bundle of nerves. :)
Friday, March 13, 2009
I finally did it! I finally just hopped up there and rode Shaylee!
I couldn't be happier. Not only was Shaylee well behaved throughout the duration of her first ride, she was ALSO willing to learn and happy as a clam the entire time. Needless to say, I can't wait to spend a little more time with her this weekend. So here is a short video clip of Shaylee's first ride: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IdT5pmDpCW4
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Show Season is Drawing Near...
So it's that time of the year again... when all of my friends wonder at whether or not I am still breathing somewhere. I tend to disappear for a few months in the spring as I prepare for show season. This year I will be playing the disappearing act even more so than in past years. Not only is my horse not at my house, she is also two years old and yet to be broke. Yes I foresee quite a few months of staring at roundpen rails and trying with everything I have to avoid being thrown into them. Oh the joys... :) (no really, it is fun!)
But truly, I have a feeling that this year is going to be a very fun show year. I will finally be able to show a super mare; just like I have always wanted. In the two years leading up to this spring, it seemed like time was crawling; waiting for my sweet little Shaylee to grow up. But now that the time is here, and Shaylee is a happy, growing 2 year old, I wonder where all that time went.
None the less, our first show will be a simple little schooling show in Walla Walla on the 29th of this month. I will only be showing her in hand, and maybe riding her around in the warm up pen if she is broke by that time. If not, we will just do halter, maybe a little showmanship, then come home. After that I will begin to gear her towards bigger and better shows throughout the spring/summer/fall. Yay for show season!
But truly, I have a feeling that this year is going to be a very fun show year. I will finally be able to show a super mare; just like I have always wanted. In the two years leading up to this spring, it seemed like time was crawling; waiting for my sweet little Shaylee to grow up. But now that the time is here, and Shaylee is a happy, growing 2 year old, I wonder where all that time went.
None the less, our first show will be a simple little schooling show in Walla Walla on the 29th of this month. I will only be showing her in hand, and maybe riding her around in the warm up pen if she is broke by that time. If not, we will just do halter, maybe a little showmanship, then come home. After that I will begin to gear her towards bigger and better shows throughout the spring/summer/fall. Yay for show season!
Thursday, February 26, 2009
It is almost March here, in the normally fair weathered Tri-Cities, yet I am starring out my office window in disbelief- hail? You have got to be kidding me...
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Car Accident
So, we were able to have the pleasure of seeing true irresponsibility this weekend.
We were in an auto accident on Saturday. We were sitting at a dead stop for a reasonable amount of time on the Edison exit off of 240, when a man (yikes, I almost said gentleman) rammed into the back of Rich's truck at roughly 35 MPH- without braking. Under normal circumstances we would have been understanding, exchanged information, had the police come out to document the situation, and then we would have been done. Unfortunately, these were not normal circumstances.
Within 30 seconds of the hit Rich told me to call 911, then he proceeded to get out of the vehicle to talk with the individual who was slowly getting out of his late 70s Cadillac. Now, I couldn't make up a funnier story in my mind than that of the description of the man who eventually exited the Cadillac. He was an older guy, approximately 60-65 ish, with Einstein type hair, a fake right leg, boxers, a warm plaid-looking coat, and a drunken sway to him. Rich specified that he instantly had a pretty good idea that this man had been drinking (really? How could you tell? HEHE).
To begin with, he was fairly nice and cordial... but you could definitely tell he was not 100% that day. He began to exchange information, explaining that he had insurance and would take care of us. But not shortly after, he began to tell Rich that he would pay RICH'S deductible. Uh, no!
Long story short, the frustration level with the obviously impaired man rose as he was unable to reason and/or follow during normal conversation. Finally Rich mentioned that he would prefer the man to just sit down and wait for the police to arrive to handle details.
Once the man caught wind of the word "police", he looked like a deer in the headlights and backed away stating, "now there is no reason to get the police involved in this." We proceeded to inform him EXACTLY why the police needed to be involved in this, and as anticipated, we were still in disagreement.
Rich asked him what his great fear was, and even asked if he had been drinking. At that point in time the man did admit to "having a few," which I believe irked us both (of course I can only speak for myself here).
He then moved his car up around the corner, and came back on foot. He still tried to plea and bargain with us to not get the police involved. Soon, we could not delay him any longer and he left the scene, regardless of Rich's efforts to advise him to stay.
Shortly after he drunkenly swayed off, the State Trooper arrived. Upon hearing that he had JUST left, he trooper asked us to follow him around the corner so he could look for him. Eventually he had us sit in a parking lot as he continued to search for our one-legged friend to no avail. He then asked our side of the story, took pictures, wrote down our contact information plus the information the other man had given us prior to getting spooked by the mention of the police, and then sent us home so he could continue his search.
We then proceed with our night as planned, just with an hour or two delay and an odd story to tell. Once we were in route to return to my home to watch an evening movie, Rich decided it would be a good idea to check some local low income apartments for the car as the man had stated he lived just up the road. Low and behold, there was the broken up old caddy with the smashed front end and the oil spill beneath it sitting in a complex parking lot right up against the road.
Rich called the state patrol to inform them that we had indeed found the vehicle, in case they had not yet located it. Luckily, they HAD located both the vehicle and it's driver. He had been arrested and was in jail for a DUI and Hit & Run.
Fast forward to Monday. It turns out that he didn't have insurance much to our dismay... even though that is actually what we had initially anticipated. Also, the officer was quite amazed that our vehicle only sustained as much damage as it did, and that the other man had driven off and actually made it home. Internally, his poor old caddy was pretty much toast.
So, although it made for an adventuresome weekend, it sure made me wonder a little at the moral of some people. Here you have a man who not only drives drunk, he then hits someone, lies about having insurance, then runs anyway. And then calls Rich a punk? My my, ironic isn't it?
Alas, we are both safe and continuing life as normal. Just funny how the oddest things can happen when you least expect them.
We were in an auto accident on Saturday. We were sitting at a dead stop for a reasonable amount of time on the Edison exit off of 240, when a man (yikes, I almost said gentleman) rammed into the back of Rich's truck at roughly 35 MPH- without braking. Under normal circumstances we would have been understanding, exchanged information, had the police come out to document the situation, and then we would have been done. Unfortunately, these were not normal circumstances.
Within 30 seconds of the hit Rich told me to call 911, then he proceeded to get out of the vehicle to talk with the individual who was slowly getting out of his late 70s Cadillac. Now, I couldn't make up a funnier story in my mind than that of the description of the man who eventually exited the Cadillac. He was an older guy, approximately 60-65 ish, with Einstein type hair, a fake right leg, boxers, a warm plaid-looking coat, and a drunken sway to him. Rich specified that he instantly had a pretty good idea that this man had been drinking (really? How could you tell? HEHE).
To begin with, he was fairly nice and cordial... but you could definitely tell he was not 100% that day. He began to exchange information, explaining that he had insurance and would take care of us. But not shortly after, he began to tell Rich that he would pay RICH'S deductible. Uh, no!
Long story short, the frustration level with the obviously impaired man rose as he was unable to reason and/or follow during normal conversation. Finally Rich mentioned that he would prefer the man to just sit down and wait for the police to arrive to handle details.
Once the man caught wind of the word "police", he looked like a deer in the headlights and backed away stating, "now there is no reason to get the police involved in this." We proceeded to inform him EXACTLY why the police needed to be involved in this, and as anticipated, we were still in disagreement.
Rich asked him what his great fear was, and even asked if he had been drinking. At that point in time the man did admit to "having a few," which I believe irked us both (of course I can only speak for myself here).
He then moved his car up around the corner, and came back on foot. He still tried to plea and bargain with us to not get the police involved. Soon, we could not delay him any longer and he left the scene, regardless of Rich's efforts to advise him to stay.
Shortly after he drunkenly swayed off, the State Trooper arrived. Upon hearing that he had JUST left, he trooper asked us to follow him around the corner so he could look for him. Eventually he had us sit in a parking lot as he continued to search for our one-legged friend to no avail. He then asked our side of the story, took pictures, wrote down our contact information plus the information the other man had given us prior to getting spooked by the mention of the police, and then sent us home so he could continue his search.
We then proceed with our night as planned, just with an hour or two delay and an odd story to tell. Once we were in route to return to my home to watch an evening movie, Rich decided it would be a good idea to check some local low income apartments for the car as the man had stated he lived just up the road. Low and behold, there was the broken up old caddy with the smashed front end and the oil spill beneath it sitting in a complex parking lot right up against the road.
Rich called the state patrol to inform them that we had indeed found the vehicle, in case they had not yet located it. Luckily, they HAD located both the vehicle and it's driver. He had been arrested and was in jail for a DUI and Hit & Run.
Fast forward to Monday. It turns out that he didn't have insurance much to our dismay... even though that is actually what we had initially anticipated. Also, the officer was quite amazed that our vehicle only sustained as much damage as it did, and that the other man had driven off and actually made it home. Internally, his poor old caddy was pretty much toast.
So, although it made for an adventuresome weekend, it sure made me wonder a little at the moral of some people. Here you have a man who not only drives drunk, he then hits someone, lies about having insurance, then runs anyway. And then calls Rich a punk? My my, ironic isn't it?
Alas, we are both safe and continuing life as normal. Just funny how the oddest things can happen when you least expect them.
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Road Trip
Rich and I recently returned from our whirlwind 9 day road trip. We made various stops in 3 different time zones, and although I can't speak for the both of us, I myself had a great time.
We left WA on the 6th, right after work, and drove straight through to MN. We stopped there and had supper with Rich's sister and brother-in-law, then stayed at his folks house overnight. His sister and BIL are such great people; I really enjoying meeting and visiting with them.
The next morning we left MN and headed to MI, stopping to see one of Rich's friends on the way in WI. Once in MI, we stayed through the 11th in a nice Marriott there (thank you April for the voucher!). We were able to visit with a friend of mine while relaxing, and had the pleasure of meeting her two sweet daughters and very kind hubby.
The morning of the 11th we left for IA. We stopped to see Aunt Kathy and Uncle Mark and Jerod for supper. We had a great visit with them! Kathy always seems to know how to make me laugh. We then continued to Grandma's that same evening and ended up staying with her until the 13th. During that time we were able to visit with Grandma, Aunt Jo, and Corriene (and get my oil changed, thanks Corriene!). During that time we had pleasant conversation and excellent food.
We began the drive home on Friday the 13th, so I guess that should have been the writing on the wall. We ended up hitting what I would label 'quite the snow storm' on the way home. We were going to make the trip home a two day trip (or more), but given the road conditions, my summer slicks for tires, and Rich's he-man driving capabilities we decided to drive straight through on the way back. Thankfully we made it home safely without a hitch... especially in light of the driving conditions and the fact that we saw 33 accidents in about a 25 mile stretch (yes we counted accidents... and have pictures, hehe).
Once out of the snow, we stopped for a coffee in ID at one of Rich's old friend's coffee shops. It sure was nice to get a jolt for those remaining 4 or 5 hours left of driving, and he was an absolute crack up. A fun, even if short, visit.
All in all it was a great trip. I really enjoyed all the time with family and friends. Not to mention, Rich is the perfect road trip companion; I even enjoyed the car rides (well, while I was awake anyhow). :)
If you want to see pictures, they are here: http://s111.photobucket.com/albums/n136/atrodeoch/MI%20pics/
We left WA on the 6th, right after work, and drove straight through to MN. We stopped there and had supper with Rich's sister and brother-in-law, then stayed at his folks house overnight. His sister and BIL are such great people; I really enjoying meeting and visiting with them.
The next morning we left MN and headed to MI, stopping to see one of Rich's friends on the way in WI. Once in MI, we stayed through the 11th in a nice Marriott there (thank you April for the voucher!). We were able to visit with a friend of mine while relaxing, and had the pleasure of meeting her two sweet daughters and very kind hubby.
The morning of the 11th we left for IA. We stopped to see Aunt Kathy and Uncle Mark and Jerod for supper. We had a great visit with them! Kathy always seems to know how to make me laugh. We then continued to Grandma's that same evening and ended up staying with her until the 13th. During that time we were able to visit with Grandma, Aunt Jo, and Corriene (and get my oil changed, thanks Corriene!). During that time we had pleasant conversation and excellent food.
We began the drive home on Friday the 13th, so I guess that should have been the writing on the wall. We ended up hitting what I would label 'quite the snow storm' on the way home. We were going to make the trip home a two day trip (or more), but given the road conditions, my summer slicks for tires, and Rich's he-man driving capabilities we decided to drive straight through on the way back. Thankfully we made it home safely without a hitch... especially in light of the driving conditions and the fact that we saw 33 accidents in about a 25 mile stretch (yes we counted accidents... and have pictures, hehe).
Once out of the snow, we stopped for a coffee in ID at one of Rich's old friend's coffee shops. It sure was nice to get a jolt for those remaining 4 or 5 hours left of driving, and he was an absolute crack up. A fun, even if short, visit.
All in all it was a great trip. I really enjoyed all the time with family and friends. Not to mention, Rich is the perfect road trip companion; I even enjoyed the car rides (well, while I was awake anyhow). :)
If you want to see pictures, they are here: http://s111.photobucket.com/albums/n136/atrodeoch/MI%20pics/
So here's the beginning of my viewer friendly blog.
First a disclaimer... I am not much of a blogger. So if months go by without updates, it is very unlikely that I fell off of the edge of the earth because 1) the earth is round, duh, but also 2) I tend to be sporadic by nature.
So hopefully someone will enjoy my few random posts as they come.
First a disclaimer... I am not much of a blogger. So if months go by without updates, it is very unlikely that I fell off of the edge of the earth because 1) the earth is round, duh, but also 2) I tend to be sporadic by nature.
So hopefully someone will enjoy my few random posts as they come.
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