Friday, October 23, 2009

Bathroom, Garage, Aunt, Vacation and ER visits

Many updates... I suppose I will just work through the list. :)

1- Bathroom is pretty much done. YAY! The only thing left to purchase are closet doors. Everything else has been completed. What a relief... and perfect timing! We finished it right before we left town, thankfully, as we would not have completed it upon our return (with Rich's one arm).

2- Rich purchased a giant garage! It is more like a "tent garage," but it is a garage none the less. It is 27' long x 20' wide x 14' tall. Now we can house the toys throughout the winter without having to worry about the weather. On a more comical note, the beams are made VERY well; they are very stout, AKA very heavy. Ever seen a gal my side and a one-armed man trying to put up a garage of that size and weight? Oh man, I would not be surprised if the neighbors win $10,000 on America's Funniest Home Videos sometime within the next few months. :)

3- I am going to be an aunt. (I feel okay divulging this now as Daja already made mention of it on her blog.) Her anticipated due date is June 7th... pretty close to future Grandma Joyce's birthday (the 5th). So, in not too long there will be a mini Jimmy running around... uh oh... hope Daja knows what she is in for. ;)

4- Okay, now an explanation to the one-armed references. 6 of us piled in Rich's Father's motor home this last weekend and made the 8 hour trek to the Oregon Dunes. We had 6 (yes 6) bikes on a one-car trailer. HEHE. Anyhow, we also had friends who met us down there; Michelle and Josh from Olympia, and Gary and Bret came from Albany. We had a great couple days filled with riding and friends. Unfortunately, Rich was having far too much fun at one point and came off (pretty hard) while jumping. Now, call me crazy, but when you are jumping the entire top of a 100 foot+ dune, I would imagine that one, small misstep can be pretty ugly. Well, an ER visit later Rich was threatening to do one handed cartwheels in Rite Aid... sigh. At least he can always have a good time no matter the circumstances. :)

Anyhow, here are a few pics of the trip.
This is the poor, poor trailer...

This is the fabulous motor home!

This is the jump that knocked Rich around.

The ER, LOL!

The Rite Aid where he was convinced he could do a one-handed cartwheel.

And ALMOST the entire group (missing Gary, Bret, and whomever is taking the picture) the day PRIOR to the crash- sunset.

***Disclaimer! I quick thank you to Rich who, over the past 6 days, has been the best sport throughout the relentless teasing. :)

Monday, October 12, 2009


So, the last couple days have been spent on the house. Actually, I should say that RICH'S time has been spent on the house; I am pretty much useless when it comes to home construction of any kind if it requires more than a paint brush or soap.

Anywho, the bathroom sure is shaping up. I have been waiting for a new shower since I purchased the home a year and a half ago, and now my wish is being granted!

Above is a picture of midway there shower wise. Since this picture the walls have been put in and the seems have been caulked.
Now on to finish the rest of the bathroom. It sure will be worlds better once all is done.